Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Racism VS Racial Stereotyping

As we discussed in class, it can sometimes be difficult to parse out the differences between racism and racial stereotyping. Here are the Wikipedia definitions of each:
Read the Wikipedia entries, think about what we discussed in class, and as a comment below write one paragraph discussing what you think the difference is between racism and racial stereotyping.


  1. Ariel Whitney

    I think that the difference between racism and racial sterotying is hating and not hating a race. A stereotype is a popular opinion of something. If a person is racial sterotyping, it doesn't mean that the person is racist. That person may have heard about or experienced something with an individual of another race; therefore, the person applies the stereotype to the whole race instead of the individual. Stereotypes are not true. Racism is when a person of one race absolutely hates another race because of a stereotype or experience with the other race. Stereotyping is having an opinion about something, but not hating it.

  2. Delwin Williams

    I think the difference between Racism and Stereotyping has to do with how much emotion is behind it. Racism is the hatred belief towards a particular race is superior or inferior to another. That person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Stereotyping Stereotypes are more like generalizations, or assumptions, that people make about the characteristics of all of a group, based on an image usually wrong about what people in that group are like. I think that this is most ignorant thing because there is no way you can judge they entire black race off like maybe 10 black Americans who've done wrong.

  3. Randall Harris

    I think Racism and Stereotyping can be easily confused, but are two different things. Stereotyping is basically an opinion, or the way u categorize a certain group of people based off assumptions. People stereotype everyday, but may not realize it. Racism is a hatred to a certain race or a feeling of superiority over them. Racism is another level compared to stereotyping.In stereotyping, even if you stereotype a person, you can still like them. In Racism, there is strictly hatred towards the race. Raacism is very wrong, but people still do it everyday

  4. The difference between racism and stereotype is that one is a belief and one is an assumption. Racism is a belief that means that it lies it your mind and your heart that you feel as though you have superiority over certain races and that just it.Stereotpes are assumptions which mean you don't feel as though you are better than that person and you will at least give them a chance to prove that assumption incorrect.Often with racism,they dont even allow the person that chance.

    Willie Massey

  5. Terrance williams

    I think the difference between Racism and Stereotyping intially, is a strong belief in superiority over another race. Also the diference is that with Stereotyping,we dont always know we are doing it.Racism has and always will be used in a negative, and sometimes brutal or deadly manner.

  6. I think Racism is just hating another race. Racial Sterotyping to me is having opinions or beliefs of another race based on what we heard other say .

    Marsha Dorsey

  7. The meaning of Racism is defined as hatred of one or another race. For example The Ku Klux KLans, they hated blacks.Racism is just hating.
    Racial Sterotyping means having opinion or beliefs of another based on what we heard others say or what we were taught.

    Marsha Dorsey

  8. Jasmyne Williams 110-09

    Racism is a feeling of suppiriority and a true hatred for another race. When people are racist they know in their mind that they are better than any other race, and they let it be known by shunning, killing, and dicriminating against other ethnicities. Stereotyping is an assumption of what people think about another race. It is seeing a group of people and catagorizing them all in the same way. If you say all mexicans are good at lawn care that is stereotyping because all Mexicans aren't good at lawn care and some may not even do their lawn they may have hiered someone to do it for them.

  9. I think that there is very big difference between racism and racial sterotyping. Racism is the feeling of hatered towards another race and acting on it. Racial sterotyping is judging someone of another race based on either experience or what you have heard. Although incidents happen everyday involving these matters, neither is right.

  10. I think that the difference between racism and racial sterotyping is much more than what people think. Stereotype is more of a opinion of something. If a person is racial sterotyping, it dont mean they are racist it's there opinion. Racism is more like hating other race more like black and white.

  11. My opinion of the two is that streotyping is not too much different then racism. Stereotyping is someones opinion of another based on what be heard from others, that be dressed in a negative or a postive way. Racism is more negative then postive. Racism is a hatred to do more harm then good to another person. -Sonja Smith

  12. It's my opinion that the difference between Racism and Racial stereotyping is the emotion behind what is being said or done. When dealing with racism a person could have the feeling of hatred inside.

    Jordan Rose

  13. My opinion on racism bares more emotions and hate behind it from as far to slavery. stereotyping is what you have heard about a certain race, gender or just individual. The both however share one common thing and that is judging rather its what what you have heard or assume its judging with a love hate type of relationship.

    Jessica Cole

  14. Racism can be viewed as a person believing they are superior and can rule over another group of people. This idea is based on the person's view of the other group's race, culture, ethnic background etc. It is also an extreme hatred that someone has against another because of their race. While stereotyping is when people are put into a classification based on others opinions about a certain group of people. Stereotyping can be seen as racism sometimes, but racism can not be seen as stereotyping.

    Emily Truelove

  15. A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.

  16. Neville.M. : Racism is a general or personal feeling of social,political,religious superiority over the other which is expressed publicly.While racial stereotype is a personal or general opinion a person or a group of person ,a racial group has about another which is not manifested but believed.So Racism must be manifested while it's stereotype is just that opinion which may not even count as an individual

  17. I believe racial stereotyping is a softer version of racism. You're making generalized assumptions about a group of people you know very little about. I find that the more people learn about other ethnic groups, the less they make those assumptions. To me, racism is blind fear, dislike, or distrust of another group just because they're different from your own.

    Jimmica Young

  18. The difference between the two would have to be that one just hates the person and the other just hates the race. Your very own opinion about an individual is called stereotyping. If you look at them a certain way just because they dress different from you and you look down on them is a way of stereotyping. But when someone is stereotyping another person that doesn't make them racist. For people that are racist I just see them as a person that isn't open to life. becauce all people aren't bad people.
    Tia Ayo

  19. This was just what I needed :)
    -Not part of the class, just a passerby on the internet
