Saturday, April 2, 2011

MLA Citation

As discussed in class, you will need to know how to use MLA citation. Not just for this class or paper, but generally, for all English papers.
Here is a handbook:
1. Write the citation format for College, The Easy Way as you would cite it in a bibliography.
2. Write the citation format for In Praise of the F Word as you would cite it in a bibliography.
3. Use a quote from either article in a sentence, and use MLA in-text citation format.
YOUR COLLEGE ATTITUDES RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT, whether you are writing a paper or doing a group presentation, is due this week. If you are writing a paper, you must bring your rough draft on Monday/Tuesday, groups you will be practicing. Papers and final projects are due Wednesday/Thursday. There will be no make ups for group presentations. None. No exceptions. If your group tells me that you didn't pull your weight, you will receive an automatic F.


  1. Ariel Whitney

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times 5 March 2011: A21. Print.

    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer: Rhetoric Reader. Ed. Nadell, Judith, John Langan, Eliza A. Comodromos. United States: Longman, 2007. 502-503. Print.

    Sherry stated that tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. (502)

  2. Jasmyne Williams

    Herbert, Bob. "College the Easy Way." The New York Times 5 March 2011: A21. Print

    It was stated that “If they’re not developing their higher order skillsit means they’re not developing the attitudes and dispositions that are needed to even understand that that’s important.”

    In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer: Rhetoric Reader. Ed. Nadell, Judith, John Langan, Eliza A. Comodromos. United States: Longman, 2007. 502-503. Print.

  3. Neville Mbarika

    Bob,Herbert."College The Easy Way." The New York Times % March 2o11:A21.Print

    Damon Winter,Bob,Herbert. "The cost of college has skyrocketed and has become an ever means essential cornerstone to a Middle-Class standard of living.But what are American kids actually learning in college?"

  4. Neville Mbarika.
    Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word." The Longman Writer: Rhetoric Reader. Ed. Nadell, Judith, John Langan, Eliza A. Comodromos. United States: Longman, 2007. 502-503. Print.

    Sherry stated that people of all age can rise above thier problems,but they need to have a reason to do so.Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education the same way my adult students value it.But fear of failure,whether economic or academic,can motivate both.(502)
